Mini Movie: Dive In 2013 Part 3 – Should Love at 98 Degrees boil over?

Continuing on from Part 2, this episode concentrates on the developing relationship between Xin Yi (Annie Chen) and Ke Dong (Kai Ko).

Everyone are off to the beach for a camping trip. Before dinner, Xin Yi and Ke Ke had some girl talk where Xin Yi expresses how much she’s envious of Ke Ke and Xiao You. They don’t need to see each other all the time but when they are together, everyone can tell how compatible they are. Ke Ke tells her it’s because Xiao You and her were good friends before they were together…

Ke Ke: Finding true love is very simple… close your eyes, the first person you see is your true love.

Guess who Xin Yi saw… LOL.

During dinner, Lin Dai Yu suggests he can help Xin Yi by setting her up with Shao Yang later that night. She would wait in the tent at the end and he would bring Shao Yang to her so they can watch the stars together.

As Lin Dai Yu, Shao Yang and Ke Dong head back to the tents, Lin Dai Yu gives instructions that Shao Yang should go to the one on the left, while Ke Dong should go to the one on the right. Since Ke Dong is pretty drunk and can’t walk properly, he goes to the wrong tent…

They end up bickering some more… he even describes her as ‘even a broken pot can find a broken lid’ LOL. Then he passes out.

She keeps shaking him but he doesn’t move. So she checks his breathing and becomes alarmed. Just when she’s about to give him CPR… he tells her she’s easily deceived. Does she really want to kiss him that much?

Breathing the same air as him, Xin Yi thinks this is the happiness moment of her life.

Today is the end of their month end internship so Xin Yi and Ke Dong no longer have the excuse of seeing each other every day.

Should their love at 98 degrees boil over?

Xin Yi: After spending some time with you, I think you’re quite an interesting person.

Ke Dong: You’re interesting too… also, you’re a good person.

Maybe we’ve all faced this moment of wanting to confess, but became hesitant because we’re not sure of how the other person feels, or afraid this will adversely affect our current friendship… we give ourselves many excuses to let the love at 98 degrees cool down. But when we see our own story as a spectator, will we regret our decision? Add ‘will’ to ‘love’, when we feel true love arriving silently, at this moment, love!


Not much seems to happen in part 3 except confirming what we already knew from part 2! I wonder now whether the ‘grand finale’ will be full length (eg. 10 minutes) or will it be like last year which was only about 3 minutes? Guess I just have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens!


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