Tag: Ruco Chan

  • Eye in the Sky Episodes 11 to 15 thoughts

    Eye in the Sky Episodes 11 to 15 thoughts

    I’m being good this week and started writing this post less than an hour after I finished watching episode 15. But it doesn’t mean I was excited about this week’s ‘cliffhanger’. There wasn’t one! This show has been spoiling us so much I’m starting to think what goes up, must come down (or at least…

  • Eye in the Sky Episodes 6 to 10 thoughts

    Eye in the Sky Episodes 6 to 10 thoughts

    There is SO SO SO much I want to say about Week 2 (episodes 6 to 10) of Eye in the Sky I don’t even know where to start. This series is fast paced, intense and I’m officially addicted. Having two good looking guys in it helps, A LOT. The ratings for this so far…

  • Eye in the Sky Episodes 1 to 5 thoughts

    Eye in the Sky Episodes 1 to 5 thoughts

    When you say ‘TVB series’ nowadays, the response tends to be – well, not so complimentary things. Whether it’s the low budget, or the recycled plots, or a bunch of newbies with questionable acting skills, or the same few people singing the theme songs… I can go on. However, Eye in the Sky is THE…

  • Ruse of Engagement – Carson and Yip Ting moments

    Ruse of Engagement – Carson and Yip Ting moments

    I still have a half (or maybe even less) written post about Ruse of Engagement but I just thought I’d take a moment to remember this ship. A ship that was never meant to sail. Actually, I don’t know whether the writers intended to at least give them something more because RoE was filmed in…

  • Ruse of Engagement Episodes 1 to 10 thoughts

    Ruse of Engagement Episodes 1 to 10 thoughts

    (I’m a bit behind on this series and I know I won’t be able to catch up until next month. So I don’t want to see any SPOILERS please!!!! Although I think I saw one just by doing a simple Google search. WTH!)   In the last couple of years I haven’t watched that many…